About Dinggram

Our Website

We have launched our website/App in Jan 2024 initially in India and planning to launch in other countries to stay in touch with Schools and Colleges. We specialize in providing digital technology to schools and other educational institutions. Dinggram aspires to raise the standards of communication and tackle prevalent issues amongst teachers, pupils and parents through innovative digital solutions and visual communications in schools around the world.

Our Mission

Dinggram believes technology is how children increasingly understand today’s world. Our products have been developed to support physical and mental well being though modern digital technology. Providing indoor and outdoor systems with touchscreen capabilities our systems are designed so that they can be used to interest and engage children and support schools/colleges.

About Us

Our team have almost 20 years experience in delivering digital solutions to across businesses; they have the knowledge and expertise to deliver digital systems that schools/colleges need to help them in providing resources to support health and wellbeing, learning and safeguarding.

Who is the team behind it

Dinggram makes it easy for institution to delight their students and make them engage with their learning. We do this by taking a new approach in monitor their mood/emotions with software-as-a-service that’s affordable, quick to implement, and designed for the end-user. Unlike legacy software, Dinggram website/app that works for everyone, making it easy for school and colleges etc to engage and delight their students.

Team Behind Dinggram