
Master Your Student Mental Health

Dinggram is a professional mood tracking tool for schools and colleges that helps students and teachers flourish together.
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Track students mood over time

Reduce Stress

Create a supportive and proactive strategy towards positive mental health.

Save Time

Analyse, organise and view student mood data within seconds.

Discover Meaningful Relationships

Understand your students like never before.

Real-time actionable insights through mood trackers

Dinggram employs a diverse range of tools to monitor mental health. These include renowned assessments like the questionnaires, as well as our emoji mood tracker and custom-developed personal development survey. In utilizing a clever blend of mood trackers, Dinggram ensures an effective and data-driven strategy to understanding students mental health in schools and colleges.

Whole class assessment in just a few clicks

The Dinggram admin panel is a powerful centralized hub, designed to help school/college staff oversee survey results, low mood attributors, and student goals. Nominated staff can filter via student, class, year group, and whole-school views, building a detailed illustration of pupil mood details. The snapshot reporting functionality offers user-friendly interpretation of data and important trends.

Simple emoji report

A picture is worth a thousand words, our simple emoji report gives students an opportunity to quickly and safely express how they're feeling.

Easy to understand and complete

Accurate data in real-time

Allows students a moments pause to briefly reflect on their own feelings

Provides students and teachers evidence-based analytics to help identify patterns in behaviour or inform intervention actions

Student Mental Health

Identify, Engage, and Manage

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